Sunday, May 2, 2010

Too Much Time on the Internet...

A clear sign that I perhaps (ok, undeniably) spend far too many of my waking hours on the internet is last night's fairly bizarre dream on the theme of the world wide web and my own personal dedication to it...

Following on from the previous week's European and Asian nocturnal backdrops, this dream was set all the way down under in Australia, where the country just happened to be celebrating its National Day (not sure if they actually have one in real life, but for the purposes of this blog I suppose it doesn't really matter...). To mark the occasion, the country's royal family (i.e. the Brits - still officially in charge!) and a whole array of other Ozzie dignitaries / politicians etc were marching in parade down the capital's main thoroughfare and up the steps into Australia's parliament building, as the nation and its media looked on in admiration at the whole pomp and circumstance of the official ceremonies. It was at this point, however, that I launched my own planned intervention into the proceedings, swiftly circumventing the security barriers as the parade's final participants ascended the steps up to the seat of government and tagging myself on to the end - notably, dressed in a t-shirt with Facebook logos and imagery all over it and with the Facebook emblem daubed in face paint on both my cheeks (I believe the logic behind it was to somehow have the parade also represent all the many Facebook users Australia and the world...).

I was just congratulating myself at my successful attempt at promotional gate-crashing at the entrance, however, when a government security agent suddenly appeared and dragged me into one of the building's side rooms for interrogation as to what the hell I was playing at here. Suddenly my reasons for crashing the parade (i.e. to be seen spreading the Facebook love on television) seemed rather feeble, as it dawned on me that this was just the sort of ill-advised violation that could land you in jail under some obscure article of the Anti-Terrorist Act, or if not that end up getting me sacked from my job in online law enforcement for committing a televised offline security breach...

In the end though, I was lucky to get away with just a slap on the wrists, triumphantly heading right back to the office and straight on the internet to watch the ceremonies back on Youtube (luckily the television cameras had caught my good side) and see who out of my family and friends worldwide had seen me on the news after (answer = not many). I therefore attempted to prompt interest by updating my status to the deliberately provocative "Oops am in big trouble (obligatory smiley face)" - clear moral of the story (i.e. narcissistic Facebook addiction invariably leads to landing yourself in the shit sooner or later) patently not learnt then!!

Anyway, can't stop - have to check Hotmail / Facebook / etc to see if there have been any dramatic (or otherwise) new developments in the time it's taken me to write this up... ;-)) Lol...

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