Friday, May 14, 2010

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

In one of my earliest entries on recurrent dreams, I mentioned that I frequently dream of moving into some seemingly fantastic new flat in Prague, only to later regret the rashness of my decision and realize that I had it better back at the old place after all. With half my colleagues simultaneously moving apartments in real life at the moment, however, it’s probably of no surprise really that the theme of domestic relocation has now once again cropped up in my dreams, though last night with a distinct break from the usual course of events so far…

Generally in such dreams, I find myself randomly moving into a new flat that initially catches my interest, only to later realize that my old one was much better / cheaper / closer to work etc, and that in my hurry to relocate I’ve actually forgotten to find someone to take over the old lease… In last night’s version of the dream, however, I actually took the time to stop and think about the advantages and disadvantages of a prospective move to a potential new flat – a genuine dream first in my recollection... On the one hand, the new flat was tantalizingly close to my office (thereby saving me the tedious twice daily commute), was located in the vibrant, upmarket area of Vinohradý (as opposed to my current neighbourhood of down-and-dirty Holešovice), and even included an actual proper double bed (a definite step-up from my distinctly less than comfortable IKEA fold-out sofa-bed now). On the other hand, the kitchette was crap compared to my current set-up, the flat was situated right above a noisy restaurant / bar, and the two current British tenants (one of whom was afflicted with a distinct squint) I later found out were attempting to illegally sublet the flat to me against the wishes of the actual in absentia owner, who in the event turned out to be none other than recent political victor (of sorts), David Cameron. Deciding that I probably didn’t want to get myself embroiled in some drawn-out property dispute with the current British PM (especially when I was 100% banking for him the other week), for the first time in all my multiple relocation dreams, I finally decided I actually had it pretty good already where I lived already (after all, the commute to work only takes a mere twenty minutes door-to-door, and – bar all the junkies / alcoholics who inhabit the park in front of my house - Holešovice isn’t all that much of a shithole really), and so headed back contentedly to my little sofa-bed studio again on the trusty number five tram.

According to the internet, dreams of moving house have the following interpretations:

Dreams about moving house often mean you are moving through differing aspects of your personality. Your personality is seen to be 'where you live' and so to move house speaks of changes in lifestyle relating to personality, thoughts, beliefs. You are evolving - moving into a higher or different area of growth where changes are big and full of meaning.

Houses in dreams often represent parts of your mind or personality. Perhaps your dream simply reflects your awareness of different parts of your personality. Maybe you have been moving from one part of yourself to another, trying out different aspects of yourself. Maybe you are trying to decide who you really are?

If you are moving a house in your dream, it expresses your feeling that you want to be in a new environment or want to change yourself. If you’re moving in to a gorgeous house, it implies that you’ll be able to find a suitable environment for you and that you will have a chance to change and become a new person.

To me it seems pretty obvious really that such relocation dreams are just a reflection of my current, unresolved state of inner conflict between old and new in terms of both geographical location and future professional path, with the fickleness I display towards alternate abodes in such dreams simply a nocturnal expression of the uncertainty I feel towards pretty much everything in my life right about now (Prague? UK? Law? HR? Parisian MBA? etc etc) and the fear of making a rash or wrong decision I later come to regret. That the new flat in question often turns out to be invasively noisy / unexpectedly shared / or initially unbeknownst to me doubling up as a café-bar by night, I can’t help but feel indicates a deep-seated subconscious fear of giving up the privacy of my current little Holešovice bubble and sharing not just my space, but also my emotions and possibly whole bloody rest of my life with (if all goes to current plan) my one-day cohabiting other half - not an easy thing for someone so inherently private and accustomed to one’s own space (read “borderline hermit” / “emotional cripple” – both traits unfortunately genetically inherited) to contemplate really…

All food for thought for the time being maybe, but until then am sticking with good old inertia in the face of indecision (not to mention still potentially impending global economic meltdown), and will simply play it safe and stick with what I know for now!!! Saves on the hassle of moving at any rate ;-)))

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